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Compare this project to similar projects.

This article seeks to answer the question: how does the SDMP compare to other similar protocols or projects.

The SDMP is:

Other projects have started since this one began, sometime back in 2012, and some are working on a similar problem, so this is an attempt to catalog the differences between similar projects.


If you know of another project not mentioned in here that you think is working towards similar goals, please [file an issue][issue] and it'll probably get added to this list!

Not a Protocol

Most projects in cryptography seem to start as whitepapers, then software development. Note that the missing point is the development of a language agnostic protocol.

For example, a popular bit of software in the JS world is, which is a really easy way to communicate using websockets. However, started as a JS library, so that when developers wanted to implement it in Java or C# or Swift, they essentially had to reverse-engineer the protocol used.

This isn't meant to excoriate–there are many valid reasons that developers start with the software and hammer out the protocol specifics later.

However, one of the main goals of the SDMP is to create a language agnostic protocol, such that developers can feel safe creating implementations in whatever language they are using.

Most projects similar in goals to the SDMP were rejected because they start with software, not with specifications.


As far as existing technology goes, IMAP is undoubtedly the most well known messaging protocol.

However, IMAP messaging is very much unsecure: users typically send messages in unencrypted plaintext, and even if the message itself is encrypted, metadata is attached to the sent data, potentially exposing private information from the sender.

Although many attempts have been made to modify the protocol to be more secure, it still relies on "central" servers.

The SDMP makes peer-to-peer the default, and always-on servers unnecessary.


Keybase has similar goals of making it easier to find and user another users public key. Their stated goal is:

Get a public key, safely, starting just with someone's social media username(s).

For example, given a Twitter or Github username, you can find their account on Keybase, and have a reasonable assurance that the public key obtained there is secure.

Keybase is really cool, and I highly recommend checking it out, but it is not a secure messaging protocol.

Secure Scuttlebutt

Scuttlebutt shares many similar goals: it uses p2p to distribute data, it has concepts of users vs application, and it uses solid cryptography underneath.

Unfortunately, it appears that Scuttlebutt has also started with a whitepaper-to-software approach, and does not have clear specifications for implementation in other languages.

This means that implementing Scuttlebutt in some other language, e.g. C#, will require reverse engineering.

I'll be reading up on this project more, but for now it does not meet the requirements of the SDMP.